Poetry Center (Poetry Center) Capacity: 1

Suffolk University faculty and staff may book the Poetry Center Monday through Friday. Reservations are unavailable on weekends, and please make reservations at least 1 week in advance. It cannot be used for regularly scheduled classes. The room is equipped with a laptop, microphone, and projector. You can view all upcoming scheduled reservations month by month or by current listing.
STEP 1. Click on Go To Date to pick a day from the calendar, or click on Next Available for next bookable date.
STEP 2. Bookings are done in 1-hour blocks. Click on the available time-block at the start of your event. Example: If your event starts at 10:30am, select the time-block for 10am - 11 am.
STEP 3. If you need additional time for your reservation, modify it using the pull-down menu below. Example: If your event starting at 10:30am ends at 3:30pm, select 4:00pm from the pull-down.
STEP 4. Fill out the booking form with details about your event and submit.
Note: If you need media set up, please make arrangements through Media Services. For catering, contact Suffolk University Catering at https://suffolkdining.catertrax.com/ or call 617-223-4408.